Mr Reno Camilleri

MSA Chairman
2001 – 2013

Mr Reno Camilleri joined the Civil service as an Executive Officer in January 1957. His first appointment was within the Department of Audit which at the time formed part of the Ministry for Finance.

In 1972, he transferred to the Economic Planning Division within the Office of the Prime Minister and was assigned work on capital projects and Malta’s development plans. In 1974 he became Malta’s representative on the European Population Committee, a position which he held for 34 years. He was also president of this same committee between 1987 and 1990. Through this committee and its various subgroups Mr Camilleri contributed to several reports on the demography, poverty status and social exclusion in EU Member States.

In January 1984 Mr Camilleri was appointed Principal Government Statistician and immediately went on to carry out the Census of Population and Housing in 1985. Under his lead a system for the compilation of migration statistics in respect of Malta and a system for the recording of foreigners with national residency and work permits were also introduced.

In 1988 Mr Camilleri became head of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and with the collaboration of Social Partners set up the Retail Price Index Management Board. Soon after he became chairman of the same board, a position which he held until his retirement from the public service in 2013.

As Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Mr Reno Camilleri set up the Economic Policy Committee consisting of representatives of the Social Partners and was tasked to monitor economic performance and draw up a development plan for Malta. Later, this committee became the Malta Council for Economic Development.

Mr Camilleri holds a Bachelors Degree in Economics from the University of London and a Diploma in Public Administration from the University of Malta. His preferred area of study is Demography and he has written extensively on the subject. For ten years he was a Eurostat expert on Migration Statistics and on behalf of Eurostat conducted several missions to the Maghreb countries and to Eastern Mediterranean countries to compile reports on their Census methodologies, with particular reference to the migration modules.

Upon reaching official retirement age, Mr Camilleri was appointed statistical consultant inside the Ministry for Economic Affairs and worked on the framework which eventually would bring to the realisation of the Malta Statistics Authority Act in 2001. Immediately after he was appointed as the first Chairman of the Malta Statistics Authority and would continue to hold this position until his retirement in 2013.

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